Samuel Etienne

Samuel Étienne
+687 27 02 62
Sédimentologie marine
Adresse postale

Service de la géologie, DIMENC, 1 ter rue Unger, BP M2, 98849 Nouméa, Nouvelle-Calédonie

Numéro ORCID

2012 : doctorat en sédimentologie. Laboratoire EPOC – UMR CNRS 5805, Université de Bordeaux.

2009 : Master en sciences de la Terre, spécialité géoressources. Institut EGID Bordeaux 3 et UQAM, Montréal.

Domaines d'expertise

Processus gravitaires en domaine marin profond. Sédimentologie de faciès, évolution des bassins sédimentaires, relations tectonique-sédimentation. Acquisition et interprétation de données de géophysique marine, caractérisation des réservoirs.


Campagnes océanographiques :

Embarqué :

2018 : SEDLAB, chef de mission, N/O Alis, 26 jours,

2017 : Expédition IODP 371, N/F Joides Resolution, 62 jours,

2016 : ECOSAT II, N/O Investigator, 13 jours,

2015 :  TECTA, N/O L’Atalante, 39 jours,

2015 :  VESPA, N/O L’Atalante, 27 jours,

2015 : NEPSIS, co-chef de mission, 12 jours.

Équipe à terre :

2019 : KANADEEP2, N/O L’Atalante,

2019 : ECOSAT III, N/O Investigator,

2017: KANADEEP1, N/O Alis,

2016 : KANACONO, N/O Alis,



PATTIER, F., ETIENNE, S., COLLOT, J., PATRIAT, M. ROEST, W., TOURNADOUR, E., ROUILLARD, P. (2019) Neogene architecture of the Fairway Basin (New Caledonia, SW Pacific): deep water sedimentary processes, fluid escape features and potential triggering mechanisms of submarine landslides. Marine Geology, 413, 27-47. doi: 10.1016/j.margeo.2019.04.003

PATRIAT, M., COLLOT, J., ETIENNE, S.,  POLI, S., CLERC, C., MORTIMER, N., PATTIER, F., JUAN, C., and the VESPA scientific voyage team (2018) New Caledonia obducted Peridotite Nappe: offshore extent and implications for obduction and post-obduction processes, Tectonics. doi: 10.1002/2017TC004722

ETIENNE S., COLLOT J., SUTHERLAND R., PATRIAT M., HENRYS S., BARKER D., ROUILLARD P., C. JUAN (2018). Deepwater sedimentation and Cenozoic deformation in the Southern New Caledonia Trough (Northern Zealandia, SW Pacific). Marine and Petroleum Geology. doi: 10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2017.12.007.

COLLOT, J., PATRIAT, M., ETIENNE, S., ROUILLARD, P., SOETAERT, F., JUAN, C., MARCAILLOU, B., PALAZZIN, G., CLERC, C., MAURIZOT, P., PATTIER, F., TOURNADOUR, E., SEVIN, B., AND PRIVAT, A. (2017). Deepwater Fold-and-Thrust Belt Along New Caledonia's Western Margin: Relation to Post-obduction Vertical Motions. Tectonics, 36(10), 2108-2122. doi: 10.1002/2017TC004542.

TOURNADOUR, E., MULDER, T., BORGOMANO, J., GILLET, H., CHABAUD, L., DUCASSOU, E., HANQUIEZ, V., ETIENNE, S. (2017). Submarine canyon morphologies and evolution in modern carbonate settings: the northern slope of Little Bahama Bank, Bahamas. Marine Geology. 391, 76-97. doi: 10.1016/j.margeo.2017.07.014

SUTHERLAND, R., COLLOT, J., BACHE, F., HENRYS, S., BARKER, D., BROWNE, G.H., LAWRENCE, MJ.F., MORGANS, H.E.G., HOLLIS, C.J., CLOWERS, C., MORTIMER, N., ROUILLARD, P., GURNIS, M., ETIENNE, S., STRATFORD, W. (2017). Widespread compressional faulting associated with forced Tonga-Kermadec subduction initiation. Geology, 45(4), 355-358. doi: 10.1130/G38617.1

Rouillard P., Collot, J., Sutherland R., Bache F., Patriat, M., Etienne S., Maurizot P. (2017). Seismic stratigraphy and paleogeographic evolution of Fairway Basin, Northern Zealandia, Southwest Pacific: from Cretaceous Gondwana breakup to Cenozoic Tonga–Kermadec subduction. Basin Research. 29, 189-212. doi: 10.1111/bre.12144

Mulder T., Etienne S. (2014) Discovery of a km-scale outcropping Mass Transport Complex (MTC) within the Annot Sandstone basin. Implications on flexural sub-basin deformation. Comptes Rendus Geosciences. 346, 37-44. doi: 10.1016/j.crte.2014.02.001

Etienne S., Mulder T., Razin P., Bez M., Desaubliaux G., Joussiaume R., Tournadour E. (2013) Proximal to distal turbiditic sheet-sand heterogeneities: Characteristics of associated internal channels. Examples from the Trois Evêchés basin, Eocene-Oligocene Annot Sandstone Formation, SE France. Marine and Petroleum Geology. 41, 117-133. doi: 10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2012.03.007

Etienne S., Mulder T., Bez M., Desaubliaux G., Kwasniewski, A., Parize, O., Dujoncquoy, E. & Salles, T. (2012) Multiple scale characterization of sand-rich distal lobe deposit variability: Examples from the Annot Sandstones Formation, Eocene-Oligocene, SE France. Sedimentary Geology. 273–274, 1-18. doi: 10.1016/j.sedgeo.2012.05.003

Mulder T., Etienne S. (2010) Lobes in deep sea systems: State of the art, Sedimentary Geology, 229(3), 75-80. doi: 10.1016/j.sedgeo.2010.06.011

Mulder T., Callec Y., Parize O., Joseph P., Schneider J.L., Robin C., Dujoncquoy E., Salles T., Bonnel C., Ducassou E., Etienne S., Ferger B., Gaudin M., Hanquiez V., Linares F., Marches E., Toucanne S., Zaragosi S. (2010) High-resolution analysis of submarine lobe deposits: Seismic-scale outcrops of the Lauzanier area (SE Alps, France), Sedimentary Geology, 229(3), 160-191. doi: 10.1016/j.sedgeo.2009.11.005