Publications scientifiques

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Collot, J., M. Patriat, R. Sutherland, S. Williams, D. Cluzel, M. Seton, B. Pelletier, W. Roest, S. Etienne, A. Bordenave, and P. Maurizot (2020), Geodynamics of the southwest Pacific: a brief review and relations to New Caledonian geology, in New Caledonia - Geology, geodynamic evolution, and mineral resources, edited by N. Mortimer, Geological Society, Memoirs, London.


Dallanave, E., P. Maurizot, C. Agnini, R. Sutherland, C. Hollis, J. Collot, G. R. Dickens, V. Bachtadse, D. Strogen, and H. E. G. Morgans (2020), Eocene (46-44 Ma) onset of Australia-Pacific plate motion in the southwest Pacific inferred from stratigraphy in New Caledonia and New Zealand, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, doi: 10.1029/2019GC008699.


Maurizot, P., A. Bordenave, D. Cluzel, J. Collot, and S. Etienne (2020a), Late Cretaceous to Eocene cover: from rifting to convergence, in New Caledonia - Geology, geodynamic evolution, and mineral resources, edited by N. Mortimer, Geological Society, Memoirs, London.


Maurizot, P., and H. J. Campbell (2020), Palaeobiogeography of New Caledonia, in New Caledonia - Geology, geodynamic evolution, and mineral resources, edited by N. Mortimer, Geological Society, Memoirs, London.


Maurizot, P., D. Cluzel, S. Meffre, H. J. Campbell, J. Collot, and B. Sevin (2020b), Pre-Late Cretaceous basement terranes of the Gondwana active margin, in New Caledonia - Geology, geodynamic evolution, and mineral resources, edited by N. Mortimer, Geological Society, Memoirs, London.


Maurizot, P., D. Cluzel, M. Patriat, J. Collot, M. Iseppi, S. Lesimple, A. Secchiari, D. Bosch, A. Montanini, P. Macera, and H. L. Davies (2020c), The Eocene Subduction-Obduction Complex of New Caledonia, in New Caledonia - Geology, geodynamic evolution, and mineral resources, edited by N. Mortimer, Geological Society, Memoirs, London.


Maurizot, P., J. Collot, D. Cluzel, and M. Patriat (2020d), The Loyalty Islands and Ridge, in New Caledonia - Geology, geodynamic evolution, and mineral resources, edited by N. Mortimer, Geological Society, Memoirs, London.


Maurizot, P., B. Robineau, M. Vendé-Leclerc, and D. Cluzel (2020e), Introduction to New Caledonia: geology, geodynamic evolution and mineral resources, in New Caledonia - Geology, geodynamic evolution, and mineral resources, edited by N. Mortimer, Geological Society, Memoirs, London.


Maurizot, P., B. Sevin, S. Lesimple, L. Bailly, M. Iseppi, and B. Robineau (2020), Mineral resources and prospectivity of ultramafic rocks of New-Caledonia, in New Caledonia - Geology, geodynamic evolution, and mineral resources, edited by N. Mortimer, Geological Society, Memoirs, London.


Maurizot, P., B. Sevin, S. Lesimple, J. Collot, J. Jeanpert, L. Bailly, B. Robineau, M. Patriat, S. Etienne, and C. Monnin (2020f), Mineral resources and prospectivity of non-ultramafic rocks of New-Caledonia, in New Caledonia - Geology, geodynamic evolution, and mineral resources, edited by N. Mortimer, p. 88, Geological Society, Memoirs, London.


Sevin, B., P. Maurizot, D. Cluzel, E. Tournadour, S. Etienne, N. Folcher, J. Jeanpert, J. Collot, M. Iseppi, S. Meffre, and M. Patriat (2020), Post obduction evolution of New Caledonia, in New Caledonia - Geology, geodynamic evolution, and mineral resources, edited by N. Mortimer, Geological Society, Memoirs, London.


Sutherland, R., G. R. Dickens, P. Blum, C. Agnini, L. Alegret, G. Asatryan, J. Bhattacharya, A. Bordenave, L. Chang, J. Collot, M. J. Cramwinckel, E. Dallanave, M. K. Drake, S. J. G. Etienne, M. Giorgioni, M. Gurnis, D. T. Harper, H.-H. M. Huang, A. L. Keller, A. R. Lam, H. Li, H. Matsui, H. E. G. Morgans, C. Newsam, Y.-H. Park, K. M. Pascher, S. F. Pekar, D. E. Penman, S. Saito, W. R. Stratford, T. Westerhold, and X. Zhou (2020), Continental-scale geographic change across Zealandia during Paleogene subduction initiation, Geology, 48(5), 419-424, doi: 10.1130/g47008.1.

Jeanpert, J., M. Iseppi, P. Adler, P. Genthon, B. Sevin, J.-F. Thovert, B. Dewandel, and J.-L. Join (2019), Fracture controlled permeability of ultramafic basement aquifers. Inferences from the Koniambo massif, New Caledonia, Engineering Geology, 256, 67-83.


Lawrence, M. J. F., H. E. G. Morgans, M. P. Crundwell, and M. Patriat (2019), Carbonate rocks of offshore northern Zealandia, New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics, 1-24.


Maurizot, P., B. Sevin, M. Iseppi and Giband, T. (2019), Nickel-bearing laterite deposits in accretionary context, the case of New Caledonia: from large-scale structure of Earth to our everyday appliances, in GSA Today, edited.


Mortimer, N., K. A. Dadd, L. O'Toole, M. Crundwell, M. Seton, S. Williams, S. Etienne, and J. Collot (2019), Eocene nephelinite and basanite from the Fairway Ridge, North Zealandia, Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 152, 103101.


Patriat, M., T. Falloon, L. Danyushevsky, J. Collot, M. M. Jean, K. Hoernle, F. Hauff, R. Maas, J. D. Woodhead, and S. T. Feig (2019), Subduction initiation terranes exposed at the front of a 2 Ma volcanically-active subduction zone, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 508, 30-40, doi:




Pattier, F., S. Etienne, J. Collot, M. Patriat, E. Tournadour, W. R. Roest, and P. Rouillard (2019), Neogene-Quaternary architecture and sedimentary processes on an isolated carbonate-fed deep-water basin (Fairway Basin, Southwest Pacific), Marine Geology, 413, 27-47, doi:


Sutherland, R., G. R. Dickens, P. Blum, C. Agini, L. Alegret, G. Asatryan, J. Bhattacharya, A. Bordenave, C. Liao, J. Collot, M. J. Cramwinckel, E. Dallanave, M. K. Drake, S. J. G. Etienne, M. Giorgioni, M. Gurnis, D. T. Harper, H.-H. M. Huang, A. L. Keller, A. R. Lam, H. Matsui, C. Newsam, Y.-H. Park, K. M. Pascher, S. F. Pekar, D. E. Penman, S. Saito, W. R. Stratford, T. Westerhold, and X. Zhou (2019a), Expedition 371 methods, Proceedings of the International Ocean Discovery Program; Tasman frontier subduction initiation and Paleogene climate; Expedition 371 of the R/V JOIDES Resolution, Townsville, Australia, to Hobart, Australia; Sites U1506-U1511, 27 July-26 September 2017, 371, 65.


Sutherland, R., G. R. Dickens, P. Blum, C. Agnini, L. Alegret, G. Asatryan, J. Bhattacharya, A. Bordenave, C. Liao, J. Collot, M. J. Cramwinckel, E. Dallanave, M. K. Drake, S. J. G. Etienne, M. Giorgioni, M. Gurnis, D. T. Harper, H.-H. M. Huang, A. L. Keller, A. R. Lam, L. He, H. Matsui, H. E. G. Morgans, C. Newsam, Y.-H. Park, K. M. Pascher, S. F. Pekar, D. E. Penman, S. Saito, W. R. Stratford, T. Westerhold, and X. Zhou (2019b), Expedition 371 summary, Proceedings of the International Ocean Discovery Program; Tasman frontier subduction initiation and Paleogene climate; Expedition 371 of the R/V JOIDES Resolution, Townsville, Australia, to Hobart, Australia; Sites U1506-U1511, 27 July-26 September 2017, 371, 33.


Sutherland, R., G. R. Dickens, P. Blum, C. Agnini, L. Alegret, G. Asatryan, J. Bhattacharya, A. Bordenave, C. Liao, J. Collot, M. J. Cramwinckel, E. Dallanave, M. K. Drake, S. J. G. Etienne, M. Giorgioni, M. Gurnis, D. T. Harper, H.-H. M. Huang, A. L. Keller, A. R. Lam, L. He, H. Matsui, H. E. G. Morgans, C. Newsam, Y.-H. Park, K. M. Pascher, S. F. Pekar, D. E. Penman, S. Saito, W. R. Stratford, T. Westerhold, and X. Zhou (2019a), Site U1508, Proceedings of the International Ocean Discovery Program; Tasman frontier subduction initiation and Paleogene climate; Expedition 371 of the R/V JOIDES Resolution, Townsville, Australia, to Hobart, Australia; Sites U1506-U1511, 27 July-26 September 2017, 371, 44.


Sutherland, R., G. R. Dickens, P. Blum, C. Agnini, L. Alegret, G. Asatryan, J. Bhattacharya, A. Bordenave, C. Liao, J. Collot, M. J. Cramwinckel, E. Dallanave, M. K. Drake, S. J. G. Etienne, M. Giorgioni, M. Gurnis, D. T. Harper, H.-H. M. Huang, A. L. Keller, A. R. Lam, L. He, H. Matsui, H. E. G. Morgans, C. Newsam, Y.-H. Park, K. M. Pascher, S. F. Pekar, D. E. Penman, S. Saito, W. R. Stratford, T. Westerhold, and X. Zhou (2019c), Site U1506, Proceedings of the International Ocean Discovery Program; Tasman frontier subduction initiation and Paleogene climate; Expedition 371 of the R/V JOIDES Resolution, Townsville, Australia, to Hobart, Australia; Sites U1506-U1511, 27 July-26 September 2017, 371, 28.


Sutherland, R., G. R. Dickens, P. Blum, C. Agnini, L. Alegret, G. Asatryan, J. Bhattacharya, A. Bordenave, C. Liao, J. Collot, M. J. Cramwinckel, E. Dallanave, M. K. Drake, S. J. G. Etienne, M. Giorgioni, M. Gurnis, D. T. Harper, H.-H. M. Huang, A. L. Keller, A. R. Lam, L. He, H. Matsui, H. E. G. Morgans, C. Newsam, Y.-H. Park, K. M. Pascher, S. F. Pekar, D. E. Penman, S. Saito, W. R. Stratford, T. Westerhold, and X. Zhou (2019d), Site U1507, Proceedings of the International Ocean Discovery Program; Tasman frontier subduction initiation and Paleogene climate; Expedition 371 of the R/V JOIDES Resolution, Townsville, Australia, to Hobart, Australia; Sites U1506-U1511, 27 July-26 September 2017, 371, 38.


Sutherland, R., G. R. Dickens, P. Blum, C. Agnini, L. Alegret, J. Bhattacharya, A. Bordenave, C. Liao, J. Collot, M. J. Cramwinckel, E. Dallanave, M. K. Drake, S. J. G. Etienne, M. Giorgioni, M. Gurnis, D. T. Harper, H.-H. M. Huang, A. L. Keller, A. R. Lam, L. He, H. Matsui, H. E. G. Morgans, C. Newsam, Y.-H. Park, K. M. Pascher, S. F. Pekar, D. E. Penman, S. Saito, W. R. Stratford, T. Westerhold, and X. Zhou (2019e), Site U1510, Proceedings of the International Ocean Discovery Program; Tasman frontier subduction initiation and Paleogene climate; Expedition 371 of the R/V JOIDES Resolution, Townsville, Australia, to Hobart, Australia; Sites U1506-U1511, 27 July-26 September 2017, 371, 35.


Sutherland, R., G. R. Dickens, P. Blum, C. Agnini, L. Alegret, J. Bhattacharya, A. Bordenave, C. Liao, J. Collot, M. J. Cramwinckel, E. Dallanave, M. K. Drake, S. J. G. Etienne, M. Giorgioni, M. Gurnis, D. T. Harper, H.-H. M. Huang, A. L. Keller, A. R. Lam, L. He, H. Matsui, H. E. G. Morgans, C. Newsam, Y.-H. Park, K. M. Pascher, S. F. Pekar, D. E. Penman, S. Saito, W. R. Stratford, T. Westerhold, and X. Zhou (2019f), Site U1511, Proceedings of the International Ocean Discovery Program; Tasman frontier subduction initiation and Paleogene climate; Expedition 371 of the R/V JOIDES Resolution, Townsville, Australia, to Hobart, Australia; Sites U1506-U1511, 27 July-26 September 2017, 371, 29.


Sutherland, R., G. R. Dickens, P. Blum, C. Agnini, L. Alegret, J. Bhattacharya, A. Bordenave, C. Liao, J. Collot, E. Dallanave, M. K. Drake, S. J. G. Etienne, M. Giorgioni, M. Gurnis, D. T. Harper, H.-H. M. Huang, A. L. Keller, A. R. Lam, L. He, H. Matsui, H. E. G. Morgans, C. Newsam, Y.-H. Park, K. M. Pascher, S. F. Pekar, D. E. Penman, S. Saito, W. R. Stratford, T. Westerhold, and X. Zhou (2019b), Site U1509, Proceedings of the International Ocean Discovery Program; Tasman frontier subduction initiation and Paleogene climate; Expedition 371 of the R/V JOIDES Resolution, Townsville, Australia, to Hobart, Australia; Sites U1506-U1511, 27 July-26 September 2017, 371, 35.

Teitler, Y., Cathelineau, M., Ulrich, M., Ambrosi, J.-P., Muñoz, M., Sevin, B. (2019) Petrology and geochemistry of scandium in New Caledonian Ni-Co laterites. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 196 131–155

Campbell, M. J., Shaanan, U., Rosenbaum, G., Allen, C.M., Cluzel, D., Maurizot, P. (2018), Permian rifting and isolation of New Caledonia: Evidence from detrital zircon geochronology, Gondwana Research, 60, 54-68.


Cluzel, D., M. Whitten, S. Meffre, J. C. Aitchison, and P. Maurizot (2018), A Reappraisal of the Poya Terrane (New Caledonia): Accreted Late Cretaceous-Paleocene Marginal Basin Upper Crust, Passive Margin Sediments, and Early Eocene E-MORB Sill Complex, Tectonics.


Dallanave, E., C. Agnini, K. M. Pascher, P. Maurizot, V. Bachtadse, C. J. Hollis, G. R. Dickens, J. Collot, and E. Monesi (2018), Magneto-biostratigraphic constraints of the Eocene micrite–calciturbidite transition in New Caledonia: tectonic implications, New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics, 61(2), 145-163.


Etienne, S., J. Collot, R. Sutherland, M. Patriat, F. Bache, P. Rouillard, S. Henrys, D. Barker, and C. Juan (2018), Deepwater sedimentation and Cenozoic deformation in the Southern New Caledonia Trough (Northern Zealandia, SW Pacific), Marine Petroleum Geology, 92, 764-779, doi: 10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2017.12.007.


Iseppi, M., B. Sevin, D. Cluzel, P. Maurizot, and B. Le Bayon (2018), Supergene nickel ore deposits controlled by gravity-driven faulting and slope failure, peridotite nappe, New Caledonia, Economic Geology 100th, 113.


McKay, R., N. Exon, D. Müller, K. Gohl, M. Gurnis, A. Shevenell, S. Henrys, F. Inagaki, D. Pandey, J. Whiteside, T. van de Flierdt, T. Naish, V. Heuer, Y. Morono, M. Coffin, M. Godard, L. Wallace, S. Kodaira, P. Bijl, J. Collot, G. Dickens, B. Dugan, A. G. Dunlea, R. Hackney, M. Ikehara, M. Jutzeler, L. McNeill, S. Naik, T. Noble, B. Opdyke, I. Pecher, L. Stott, G. Uenzelmann-Neben, Y. Vadakkeykath, and U. G. Wortmann (2018), Developing community-based scientific priorities and new drilling proposals in the southern Indian and southwestern Pacific oceans, Sci. Dril., 24, 61-70.


Mortimer, N., P. B. Gans, S. Meffre, C. E. Martin, M. Seton, S. Williams, R. E. Turnbull, P. G. Quilty, S. Micklethwaite, C. Timm, R. Sutherland, F. Bache, J. Collot, P. Maurizot, P. Rouillard, and N. Rollet (2018), Regional volcanism of northern Zealandia: post-Gondwana break-up magmatism on an extended, submerged continent, Geological Society, London, Special Publications, Large Igneous Provinces from Gondwana and Adjacent Regions, 463, 199-226.


Patriat, M., J. Collot, S. Etienne, S. Poli, C. Clerc, N. Mortimer, F. Pattier, C. Juan, and W. R. Roest (2018), New Caledonia Obducted Peridotite Nappe: Offshore Extent and Implications for Obduction and Postobduction Processes, Tectonics, 37(4), 1077-1096.


Stratford, W. R., R. Sutherland, and J. Collot (2018), Physical properties and seismic-reflection interpretation of bathyal marine sediments affected by carbonate and silica diagenesis in the Tasman Sea, New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics, 1-16, doi: 10.1080/00288306.2017.1414065.


Sutherland, R., G. R. Dickens, P. Blum, C. Agnini, L. Alegret, J. Bhattacharya, A. Bordenave, L. Chang, J. Collot, M. J. Cramwinckel, E. Dallanave, M. K. Drake, S. J. G. Etienne, M. Giorgioni, M. Gurnis, D. T. Harper, H.-H. M. Huang, A. L. Keller, A. R. Lam, H. Li, H. Matsui, C. Newsam, Y.-H. Park, K. M. Pascher, S. F. Pekar, D. E. Penman, S. Saito, W. R. Stratford, T. Westerhold, and X. Zhou (2018), Tasman Frontier subduction initiation and paleogene climate, Integrated Ocean Drilling Program: Preliminary Reports, 371, 1-44.

Aucan, J., M. Vendé-Leclerc, P. Dumas, and M. Bricquir (2017), Wave forcing and morphological changes of New Caledonia lagoon islets: Insights on their possible relations, Comptes Rendus Geoscience, 349(6), 248-259.


Collot, J., M. Patriat, S. Etienne, P. Rouillard, F. Soetaert, C. Juan, B. Marcaillou, G. Palazzin, C. Clerc, M. Maurizot, F. Pattier, E. Tournadour, B. Sevin, and A. Privat (2017), Deepwater fold-and-thrust belt along New Caledonia's western margin: relation to post-obduction vertical motions, Tectonics, 36(10), 2108-2122, doi: 10.1002/2017TC004542.


Dewandel, B., J. Jeanpert, B. Ladouche, J.-L. Join, and J.-C. Maréchal (2017), Inferring the heterogeneity, transmissivity and hydraulic conductivity of crystalline aquifers from a detailed water-table map, Journal of Hydrology, 550, 118-129.


Genthon, P., J.-L. Join, and J. Jeanpert (2017), Differential weathering in ultramafic rocks of New Caledonia: The role of infiltration instability, Journal of Hydrology, 550, 268-278.


Mortimer, N., H. Campbell, A. J. Tulloch, P. R. King, V. Stagpoole, R. A. Wood, M. S. Rattenbury, R. Sutherland, C. J. Adams, J. Collot, and M. Seton (2017), Zealandia: Earth's hidden continent, GSA Today, 27(3), 27-35, doi: 10.1130/GSATG321A.1.


Rouillard, P., J. Collot, R. Sutherland, F. Bache, M. Patriat, S. Etienne, and P. Maurizot (2017), Seismic stratigraphy and paleogeographic evolution of Fairway Basin, Northern Zealandia, Southwest Pacific: from Cretaceous Gondwana breakup to Cenozoic Tonga–Kermadec subduction, Basin Research, 29, 189-212.


Sutherland, R., J. Collot, F. Bache, S. Henrys, D. Barker, G. H. Browne, M. J. F. Lawrence, H. Morgans, C. J. Hollis, C. Clowes, N. Mortimer, P. Rouillard, M. Gurnis, S. Etienne, and W. Stratford (2017), Widespread compression associated with Eocene Tonga-Kermadec subduction initiation, Geology, 45(4), 355-358, doi: 10.1130/G38617.1.

Folcher, N., B. Sevin, F. Quesnel, V. Lignier, M. Allenbach, P. Maurizot, and D. Cluzel (2015), Neogene terrestrial sediments: a record of the post-obduction history of New Caledonia, Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 62(4), 479-492.


Patriat, M., J. Collot, L. Danyushevsky, M. Fabre, S. Meffre, T. Falloon, P. Rouillard, B. Pelletier, M. Roach, and M. Fournier (2015), Propagation of back-arc extension into the arc lithosphere in the southern New Hebrides volcanic arc, Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, 16(9), 3142-3159.

Maurizot, P. (2013), Palaeocene age for the Adio Limestone, New Caledonia: stratigraphic and regional context, New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics, 56(1), 16-26.


Quesnel, B., P. Gautier, P. Boulvais, M. Cathelineau, P. Maurizot, D. Cluzel, M. Ulrich, S. Guillot, S. Lesimple, and C. Couteau (2013), Syn-tectonic, meteoric water–derived carbonation of the New Caledonia peridotite nappe, Geology, 41(10), 1063-1066.

Bache, F., R. Sutherland, V. Stagpoole, R. H. Herzer, J. Collot, and P. Rouillard (2012), Stratigraphy of the southern Norfolk Ridge and the Reinga Basin: A record of initiation of Tonga–Kermadec–Northland subduction in the southwest Pacific, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 321-322, 41-53, doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2011.12.041.


Cluzel, D., F. Jourdan, S. Meffre, P. Maurizot, and S. Lesimple (2012), The metamorphic sole of New Caledonia ophiolite: 40Ar/39Ar, U-Pb, and geochemical evidence for subduction inception at a spreading ridge, Tectonics, 31(3), 18 p, doi: 10.1029/2011TC003085.


Cluzel, D., P. Maurizot, J. Collot, and B. Sevin (2012), An outline of the geology of New Caledonia; from Permian-Mesozoic South-Gondwana active margin to Tertiary obduction and supergene evolution, Episodes, 35(1), 72-86.


Collot, J., M. Vende-Leclerc, P. Rouillard, Y. Lafoy, and L. Géli (2012), Map helps unravel complexities of the Southwestern Pacific Ocean, Eos Transactions of American Geophysical Union, 93(1), 1-2.


Hackney, R., R. Sutherland, and J. Collot (2012), Rifting and subduction initiation history of the New Caledonia Trough, southwest Pacific, constrained by process-oriented gravity models, Geophysical Journal International, 189(3), 1293-1305.


Maurizot, P. (2012), The Adio limestones (New Caledonia): from a passive to an active margin in the northern Norfolk Ridge during Paleocene, New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics, 56, 16-26.


Sevin, B., C. Ricordel-Prognon, F. Quesnel, D. Cluzel, S. Lesimple, and P. Maurizot (2012), First paleomagnetic dating of ferricrete in New Caledonia: new insight on the morphogenesis and paleoweathering of 'Grande Terre', Terra Nova, 24, 77-85.

Auzende, J. M., R. N. Hey, B. Pelletier, D. Rouland, Y. Lafoy, E. Gracia, and P. Huchon (1995), Propagating rift west of the Fiji archipelago (North Fiji Basin, SW Pacific), Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth, 100(B9), 17823-17835.


Dupont, J., Y. Lafoy, G. Pautot, R. Le Suavé, D. Cluzel, F. Missegue, R. Grandperrin, C. Henin, M. Voisset, L. Durand Saint Omer, L. Gautheron, J. Butscher, L. Mollard, and M. Rakoia (1995), Etude morphostructurale de la zone sud des rides Nouvelle-Calédonie et Loyauté (zone économique exclusive de Nouvelle-Calédonie, Pacifique sud-ouest), Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences, Série II. Sciences de la Terre et des Planètes, 320(3), 211-218.


Lafoy, Y., J. Dupont, F. Missegue, R. Le Suavé, and G. Pautot (1995a), Effets de la collision "ride des Loyauté-arc des Nouvelles-Hébrides" sur la terminaison sud de l'ensemble "Nouvelle-Calédonie - Loyauté", Comptes rendus de l'Académie des sciences, Série II, Sciences de la terre et des planêtes, 320(11), 1101-1108.


Lafoy, Y., F. Missegue, D. Cluzel, M. Voisset, P. Saget, J. P. Lenoble, F. Rigaut, J. Lanckneus, P. Lehodey, E. Bouniot, J. Cornec, K. de Souza, F. Gallois, N. Garioud, P. Grenard, M. N'Diaye, Y. Perchoc, and J. Perrier (1995b), Morphostructure du segment septentrional du système bassin et ride des Loyauté, SW Pacifique; résultats de la campagne ZoNeCo 2, Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences, Série II. Sciences de la Terre et des Planètes, 321(11), 1009-1016.